
Japan has its "Cha-do" (Tea Ceremony) and in China it is "Cha-Yi" (Tea Arts). In recent years, in Taiwan, the "Cha-Xi" (Tea Setting) has grown in popularity. The "Cha-Xi" combines Taiwanese tea, Taiwanese arts, and the Taiwanese humanistic spirit, making a living landscape of Taiwanese people. Through Lin Rui-hua's high temperature wood-fired hand-molded ceramic arts, the "Cha-Xi" becomes a banquet for the Five Senses.

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礦玉寶罐 Tea Caddy
十彩窯汗茶碗 Multi-Colored Tea Bowl
金玉杯 Red Jade Tea Cup
瑞壺 Tea Pot
獅山鐡礦壺 Tea Pot
十彩窯汗茶碗 Multi-Colored Tea Bowl
原礦捏杯 Tea Cup
脈-花器 Pulse - Vase
脈-花器 Pulse - Vase
寶島台灣 Taiwan, the Precious Island
三稜罐 Triple-Ridged Pot
原岩 Unprocessed Clay
原岩 Unprocessed Clay
茶倉 Tea Caddy
脈-花器 Pulse – Vase
茶海 Tea Pitcher
茶倉 Tea Caddies
紅玉壺 Red Jade Tea Pot
茶盤 Tea Tray, 白玉壺 White Jade Tea Pot
釉母茶碗 Mother Glaze Tea Bowl