Jeanie Leung 梁媛媛

Flow of Life

Many artists shy away from intimate depictions of family life, but Jeanie embraces them with verve, style and passion. She employs a wide range of colors, walking down the path of simple expression, which connects the audience in a meaningful and deep way. Jeanie's whimsical paintings, evocative of Marc Chagall, are accompanied by similarly fascinating depictions created by Sonia, Jeanie’s 7-year-old daughter. Together these artworks present how the mother and daughter shape each other and the joy of childhood, both from the child's perspective and also from the mother, who learns more about the meaning of parenthood. This exhibition serves as a special conversation between the two in the form of art. So what inspired Jeanie's paintings? "It was a sunny afternoon, and I was looking at my two children chasing each other. A deep sense of happiness flooded my mind. Being a mother has allowed me to experience growing up once again, and to look at the world from a new perspective. One day, I will realize they are not children anymore. I parent and teach them patiently every day, and suddenly I look back and realize they are in fact the teachers of mine. They opened a fascinating window for me that leads to an enchanted world – a world where we built a unique bond between each other. Now, I turn this beautiful sunny afternoon into paintings, and let this exhibition be one of the precious memories".


並非所有畫家都願意描繪親密的家庭生活,Jeanie卻樂此不疲,以熱誠及筆觸分享親子關係的一點一滴。豐富的用色和簡單的線條,帶領觀賞者走進她的內心深處,尋找畫中的意義。Jeanie筆下的角色造型趣怪,卻又有幾分夏卡爾(Marc Chagall)的影子。不過,今次參展的作品之中,最特別的莫過於出自她七歲女兒Sonia手筆的畫作。母女二人的創作雙雙展出,展開一場藝術的對話,以不同的角度呈現出童真與彼此塑造的關係,相映成趣;Sonia的作品童心盡顯,Jeanie的作品則多了一份身為人母的體會。問到創作意念的來源,Jeanie道:「一個陽光明媚的下午,我看著兩個孩子在遊樂場玩耍追逐的背影,一份幸福的感覺隨即湧上心頭。成為母親,讓我再一次經歷成長,並用另一個角度去看世界。有朝一日,我將會突然發現,他們再也不是小孩子了。而我每天對他們循循善誘,驀然回首,方能明白他們才是我的老師。他們為我打開了一扇奇妙的窗,帶我走進一個魔法般的世界,在那裡我們建立起一種獨一無二的連繫。現在,我就把那個陽光明媚的下午變成畫作,亦讓這次小小的展覽,成為我與孩子們的其中一份珍貴回憶。」

See, Think, Wonder

A collection of 25 unique digital hand-drawn NFTs depicting two characters experiencing and pondering the world through their eyes. They transform what they see into their blossoming minds. All the inspiration comes from the curiosity of Jeanie’s children, revealing the beauty and value of what is essential in daily life.



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Flow of Life
Living in a Dream

My Home, My Mind
The Sprinkles
Sonia Chen
Sonia Chen
The Future
See, Think, Wonder