唐朝詩人杜甫所寫七言詩。全詩以瓷土捏制成印章共二佰零四枚。素燒920度至接近石材硬度, 以金文或甲骨文佈局篆刻。再打印于瓷土上成 “封泥” 。高温1260度燒成。

A poem by Du Fu of the Tang dynasty. The poem comprises 204 seals made from porcelain. The seals are made using the bisque firing at 920°C until the porcelain is hard as stone and the carvings are made in oracle bone and bronze scripts. The seals are then applied onto pieces of porcelain to make "sealing clays" and are fired at 1260°C.

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Bing Ju Xing by Du Fu