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Big Laugh on Small Changes
Lee Tung Kiu

People nowadays are living in great pressure that come from their lives, from their work or maybe from their study. I have even heard people ironically described HKUST as “Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension”. Sad but true, hardly can they enjoy a moment of joy and laugh. But, is laughter really THAT difficult to obtain?

I would like to remind people that happiness is always around the corner. It is just a problem of whether you are willing to figure it out. I have invited some of my friends to be my models. Concept of mix-and-match is applied to reallocate different parts of their heads and compose these “new” photos. Those new faces may look weird or even raise a sense of humor but I have to insist that all my sitters are good-looking 

P.S. Thank you for spending the time to read my artist’s statement, hope you have a good time staying away from you work and pressure, and……… LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! :)

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