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Mountain Goat Yearling on Rock

At 14,000 feet, I had a bad case of altitude sickness. My heart pounded rapidly and painfully in my chest and my breathing became labored. The urge to vomit increased with each step I took. That, on top of dizziness, caused me to stop and stretch out for a spell. I lay down on my back, searching the skies for comfort, and an inquisitive group of mountain goats distracted me pleasantly. The yearling, at the forefront, gazed down upon me. He resembled a unicorn uncannily. His pointed, spiraling horns and ruff-coat coloring undoubtedly added intrigue to the mix. Curiously, my ailments lifted and I captured this magnificent moment.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans, Colorado, 2013

Canon 1DX, Canon 24-105mm F/4, f/16, 1/400s, ISO 1600, handheld
