« 沙飛:戰爭中的人文攝影師 (1912-1950) Sha Fei: A Humanist Photographer at War (1912-1950)
《晉察冀畫報》Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial


Sha Fei was named the inaugural director of the Photography Section of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region in 1939. Under his leadership, the Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial was first published in July 1942 and continued for a further 12 issues until 1947. During the War of Resistance, Sha Fei and his comrades took nearly 10,000 photos, which were carefully cataloged and preserved as historical records.

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Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 1
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 2
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 3
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 4
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 5
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 6
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 7
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 7
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 8
Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial 9.10