DateOctober 11, 2012 (Thursday)
Time18:00 - 19:00
SpeakerProfessor Philip SY Cheng
ModeratorKevin Ho
VenueLibrary Gallery (G /F), HKUST Library


About the Talk

Many people dream of investing well and growing their wealth through investments, providing for their future or building a retirement nest egg. Todays investor is faced with a myriad of investment opportunities and strategies. However, investing is tricky; knowledge, discipline and experience are needed if one wants to make sound investments. In this talk, Professor Cheng will not only dissect his eight winning strategies for building wealth, but he will also address many of the common mistakes that individual investors make over time.

人人都望投資有道,利用不同的金融工具致富,以保障未來生活。投資需要知識、自律和經驗。如今市場上投資渠道和工具繁多, 令人眼花撩亂。為此我們請來鄭教授分享8種簡單易行的投資策略和分析一般投資者常犯上的錯誤,為你我指點迷津。

鄭教授的《鱷口下的賺錢術》(書號: HG4551 .Z48 2012) 已入館藏,可隨時借閱。


About the Speaker

Professor Philip Cheng portrait

Before joining HKUST as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Finance at HKUST in 2007, Professor Philip Cheng was the Chief Investment Officer at MetLife Taiwan, a wholly owned subsidiary of MetLife Inc., New York, the largest life insurance company in the U.S., with US$500 billion in assets under management.

During his 11 years as the chief investment officer, he was managing a multi-asset diversified portfolio of US$1.6 billion. He provided the leadership in setting up of investment policies and strategies to enhance portfolio yield; implementation of asset allocation strategies to increase return on equity; the oversight and the implementation of risk management tools to achieve optimal return on capital.

Prior to his position in MetLife, Prof. Cheng was with JP Morgan Chase U.S. for 21 years in international banking and investment. He was Vice-President in areas of corporate lending, investment banking and real estate lending activities in New York and major Asian cities.



在加盟大都會前,鄭教授曾任紐約摩根大通國際 銀行副總裁,在美國和亞洲主要城市擔任企業及房地產貸款和相關投資業務,累積經驗達21年之久。


For enquiry, please contact Kevin Ho at 2358-6761.



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